Data security

Privacy Notice & Data Ethics

If you have been selected to fill out a survey with us, here is some further information about how we protect your data:


Some of our surveys ask for sensitive information such as your personal faith and life choices. Our questions are worded neutrally because, as a research organisation, we do not take a moral stance on beliefs or behaviours. We want to encourage you to be as honest as possible. However, we reserve the right to report illegal activities where an individual’s safety may be at risk, or to assist with police investigations (within the United Kingdom) if required.

Data security

1. Eido Research Limited collects and holds personal data for research purposes. All data is held by consent, given at the point of data collection (e.g. a respondent filling out an online survey)

2. We collect data via face-to-face interviews, focus groups, and secure online platforms (such as Surveygizmo): Information online is collected through programmes that have numerous anti-hacking measures, firewalls, and constant security scans.

3. We store personal data on encrypted hard drives, and anonymise the data for analysis on our computers.

4. Your information still belongs to you, and you can withdraw your consent for us to hold your information at any time. However, we aim to only store your information to serve our clients and public good.

5. We do not store your name or contact details in the same place as your survey data. Once in our system, your survey responses are identified by a unique ID number. Your name and contact details are stored separately.

Sharing data

We do not share personal data with any other organisation (unless stated clearly in the consent form).

If we are conducting a survey on behalf of another organisation, the final information returned to the client organisation is completely anonymous unless otherwise stated in the consent agreement.

Delivering data to our clients

If we are conducting a survey on behalf of another organisation, the final information returned to the client organisation is completely anonymous (it does not have your name on it unless you have chosen to reveal your identity during the survey).

Publishing the data

We use current best practice and a mathematical algorithm to ensure that no individual can be identified from the trends and statistics in our publications. We select quotes sensitively and publish under pseudonyms.

If you have any specific questions please get in touch via