Mapping Intercultural Mission : Manchester


A collaborative report from SIM-UK, AWM-Pioneers, OMF, AIM Europe, and London City Mission and Eido Research on mapping intercultural mission in Manchester.

In what ways are churches engaging with people from different backgrounds and incorporating the richness of cultural diversity? How are mission agencies serving alongside and responding to the evolving needs and opportunities that churches see? And how can the UK Church be better equipped to reach out amongst diverse communities in the future? In order to answer these questions, SIM-UK (partnering with AWM-Pioneers, OMF, AIM Europe, and London City Mission) asked Eido Research to map churches’ and mission agencies’ attitudes towards intercultural mission, as well as the actions they were taking towards pursuing it in Manchester. This research seeks to help churches cross barriers more effectively and better connect with global mission resources to reach out in communities where the need is greatest.

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Samuel Verbi

Samuel is the Co-Founder and Director of Evaluation at Eido. Prior to this he has four years of professional experience as a monitoring and evaluation freelancer, and five years of research experience completing his bachelors and masters in sociology.


KIF-B example report


Mapping Intercultural Mission : Leeds